Sun Damage

Intense Pulsed Light for Photo Rejuvenation


Treatment Time

Depends on the size of the area to be treated. Starting from 30 minutes prior to treatment.

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Anesthetic Required

Topical anesthetic cream 30 minutes prior to treatment.

Main Risks Associated

The skin may feel warm and tighter than usual.

There may be local swelling at the treatment site.

Rarely, some clients may experience some pain, blistering or bruising, but this typically resolves quickly


Avoid sun exposure

What is Pulsed Intense Light for Photo Rejuvenation?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) applies light energy to the skin. The light passes directly through the skin and is absorbed by either the small blood vessels when treating broken capillaries and rosacea, or the melanin when treating pigmentation. The body’s natural processes remove the injured tissue giving the skin a more even skin tone. As well as the benefits for the evenness and colour of the skin, treatment can make skin appear more youthful and helps to add small amounts of collagen back into the skin, improving skin texture.

Am I suitable?

IPL is most effective on clients with fairer skin tones.

How do I prepare for my appointment?

You are advised not to have treatment if you skin is tanned, if you have used a self-tanning lotion or had a spray tan within 6 weeks of your treatment.

What should I expect at my treatment appointment?

A topical anesthetic cream will be applied to the treatment area 30 minutes prior to appointment to numb the area.

Before your treatment starts, a thin layer of gel will be applied to the skin to aid the transmission of the light pulses. This also soothes and cools the skin.

During the treatment, you may feel a mild to moderate level of discomfort (it feels like a stinging or flicking sensation) from the bursts of light. Panadol (pain relief) can be provided for you to take after treatment to reduce stinging.

After treatment, you may see your age spots and pigmentation darken. After 7 – 10 days these will naturally flake off, resulting in clearer, more even skin.

How many treatments will I require?

The number of treatments required depends on what you are trying to achieve. For sun damage or broken capillaries, 3 – 6 treatments are usually required. However, you will see an improvement after your first appointment.


The cost of treatment depends on the area to be treated. At your initial consultation. Dr. Safari will advise on the cost of treatment along with the results that you should expect and the number of treatments required. As an example of costs, a full face treatment starts at $550.

Photo Dynamic Therapy


Treatment Time

Varies - Dr. Safari to advise at consultation

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Dr. Safari to advise at consultation

Anesthetic Required

Topical anesthetic cream

Main Risks Associated

Swelling, itching, peeling or flaking of the skin


Avoid sun exposure, use gentle skin cleaner, keep skin well moisturised

What is Photo Dynamic therapy?

Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) combines a topically applied photosensitizer and Omnilux Red light to treat Non Melanoma skin cancers, like Solar Keratosis, on the face. There are many advantages of PDT, including that it can be used in lesions that are areas that are difficult to treat, cosmetically sensitive or in poor healing sites.

Am I suitable?

Most people are suitable for this treatment and Dr. Safari will discuss your medical history with you at your consultation to ensure there are no contraindications.

This treatment is used for Non Melanoma skin cancers only.

What should I expect at my treatment appointment?

Dr. Safari will apply the first photosensitizing lotion to the affected area of your skin at 9am and this will be left on for between 1 – 6 hours. The photosensitizer adheres to the cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. You can then carry on with your day until your next appointment where further photosensitizing lotion will be applied for 30 minutes. At the end of the 30 minute period, a topical anesthetic cream will be applied to the skin to numb the area for 30 minutes. Finally, the affected area will be placed under the Omnilux Red light for 20 minutes.

What happens after the treatment?

After treatment, spots on the affected area may become darker, itchy and flake off the skin.

During this period, stay out of direct sunlight. If you must go outside, apply a thick coating of sunscreen on the treated area. You should also wear protective clothing and wide brimmed hats to keep sunlight off the treated area.

Use gentle cleansers and keep the skin well moisturized.

How many treatments will I require?

The number of treatments depends on the severity of the Non Melanoma skin cancers being treated. In most cases, one treatment is sufficient. However, sometimes a second appointment is necessary


The cost depends on the size of the area to be treated. Dr. Safari will advise of the cost at your initial consultation.